Safety regulators/R
Regulators perform the task of keeping the outlet pressure constant within defined limits, independent of the fluctuations in inlet pressure and the changes in flow rate. The hose rupture safety device limits the flow rate.
Hose rupture safety devices/S (above ground level)
The hose rupture safety device is a safety device that automatically closes the gas outlet if a certain flow rate is exceeded (e.g. in the event of a hose rupture). When operating equipment on construction sites from containers with a volume exceeding 1 I and a hose length exceeding 40 cm, hose rupture safety devices are required above ground level in accordance with the accident prevention regulations. The hose rupture protection is connected downstream of the regulator.
Safety regulator with integrated hose rupture protection/RS (above ground level)
The hose rupture protection is an integral part of the regulator.
Safety controller with integrated leakage test and hose rupture protection/RDS (below ground level)
In addition to a hose rupture protection, a leakage test is also built into the controller, with which the entire consumption system is necessarily tested for leakage before commissioning. The leak test includes the entire pipe network including the connections on the inlet and outlet side as well as the unit valve. This safety function is achieved with commercially available, standardised hoses and connections. The accident prevention regulation (BGV D34) requires regulators with integrated leakage test and hose rupture protection with a nominal value of up to 1.5 kg/h (RDS) or leakage gas safety devices* for connection for liquid gas-operated tools used below ground level, e.g. in cable construction.
*Leakage gas safety devices shut off the gas supply exclusively in the event of hose damage. They work with a special double hose and special connections.